Project 2
PROJECT 1 | Professor: Dr. Wei Yan Karla Padilla (M.Arch Student) Texas A&M University SOUMAYA MUSEUM, MEXICO CITY SOURCE: DYNAMO: CHANGE FACADE PANEL "OPENING" BY SUN ANGLE The façade of the Soumaya Museum consist of an hexagonal shape panels (see figures 1 & 2). For project 1, I created these panels using a 'Curtain Panel Pattern Based Family' and I was able to control the opening of this hexagonal offset using a type parameter. FIGURE 1 | Curtain panel no offset FIGURE 2 | Curtain panel 0.1 offset For project 2 I wanted to control the panel offset using the sun angle as reference to determine the opening and closing. In order to recreate the panels of the museum using Dynamo, I started off with the initial conceptual mass file. Initially, I created the panels using the divide surface method and loading the curtain panel pattern based family. Using Dynamo "select divi...